Flowing With Your Sacred Moontime
This article was published n the Sivana East blog website https://blog.sivanaspirit.com/hh-flowing-sacred-moontime/?utm_campaign=Blog+-+1%2F24%2F18+-+sacred+moon+%28MHp6sQ%29&utm_medium=email&_ke=c2Rvbm5hd0B5YWhvby5jb20%3D&utm_source=SivanaEast+Track+A+-+1xDay+%28Engaged%3B+Open+or+Clicked+in+the+last+30+days%29 Twenty-five years ago, I lived in a quaint fishing village down the coast from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for six months each year. It didn’t have any electricity, phones, roads, or cars—you could only get there by boat. Each morning I’d wake with the sun, […]
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