Sacred Moontime Coaching
“I will treat Women in a sacred manner. The Creator gave Women the responsibility for bringing new life into the world. Life is Sacred, so I will look upon Women in a Sacred manner.” ~Native American Quote
Often there is confusion surrounding menstrual, moontime energy. Many wembyn experience pain, emotional upheavals and/or shame. How you connect with your monthly rhythms, sets a tone for how you flow with your flow.
There are many things a wombyn can do to put herself on a wellness and harmonious course that will create a healthier physical flow as well as one that encourages the awareness of her Sacred Moontime connection.
Moontime Harmony isn’t just for some, but every wombyn can flow there. Some helpful ways are:
*charting your needs each month in a journal or calendar
*following and keeping track of your monthly rhythms
*preparing for your needs before your flow begins
*carving out time for yourself in order to self- nurture while you flow
*creating sacred space during your moontime.
*being ready with the things that you will need to be creative, foods you will like to eat, teas to drink, music to listen
*following the cycles of the moon and observing how you flow with your cycles as well as how your moontime cycles reflect the lunar rhythms too
Alleviating, reducing, managing pain, both physical and emotional, can be achieved. The gift of the sacred Blood Mysteries is that it offers healing wisdom to all wembyn. When you know in your heart and soul that your moontime is an opportunity for healing, creativity and nurturing, when you follow your lunar rhythms and know how they reflect within you, then you will look forward to her monthly visits. You will embrace the Goddess within and be joyful that you can commune in her garden.
Coaching Sessions
Sessions are designed to help a wombyn get on track and discover her Sacred connection to her moontime flow. While suggestions might be made to help, they are not oriented to solving any health issues.
Coaching includes:
* conversation about your moontime, what you want to achieve and steps towards achieving those goals
* a charting calendar with instructions for how to chart your moontime rhythms
* pages with questions to use to journal your moontime, a place to organize your moontime experience
* through mutual exploration of your needs and rhythms, steps and suggestions that lead to creating a wellness moontime rhythm and one that gives space to allow the Sacred moontime connections and reflections to easily surface.
Coaching is available in person, via skype or by phone- $39/hour
A minimum of 3 sessions is recommended. The sessions can be 3 hours in a row, or 3 one hour sessions. Of course more or less amounts of sessions are ok too.