I am blessed to sit where the view of my world is an ocean, snuggled by mountains on either side, a river that meanders down from somewhere and empties into the ocean bordered by a beach where motor boats sit in the on-and-off empty lagoon that fills up from the river overnight and empties into the ocean. Tides and rhythms sway before me every day. The sun rises over the mountains casting a pale, yellow light onto the dark beach every morning as Gaia awakens. Every evening the shadow of darkness descends onto the mountain across the bay, then creeps along the beach as the sun sets behind the mountains sending Gaia to sleep as Luna wakes up. Living in an open dwelling connects one to these daily rhythms.
Natural Rhythms
I have discovered that when you live with nature, you flow with the rhythms of the natural world. When I first wrote my book, The Moontime Harmony Workbook over 25 years ago, I lived in this fishing village in Mexico for 6 months each year. It didn’t have any electricity, phones or cars. It still doesn’t have any roads or cars. The longer I stayed, the more my moontime, menstrual cycle, would synchronise with the moon’s phases. Not only would my monthly cycles flow in harmony with the moon’s cycles, but the days when I bled reflected these cyclic changes too.New moon darkness expressed my inner states to go within and be still as if in a womb. Full moon brightness stimulated
an outer, more social flow. My moontime echoed the moon’s phases. Mine was in harmony with the new moon cycle and I would observe an emotional need to “take cover” and nest. Then my bleeding would begin. Once my menstrual flow started, there were energetic shifts that imitated lunar cycles. The more I paid attention to Luna’s phases, the more I became familiar with my own. Eventually I realized that the key to flowing in harmony with these rhythms was to honor my body’s voice and needs.
Body Needs In Harmony
A wombyn’s body is her temple. It is her physical and emotional compass that her to wellness or reflects dis-ease.When this temple isn’t cared for with love, showered with health or paid attention to, pain replaces pleasure, upheavals replace harmony. Flowing in an energy of harmony means you are in tune with your body and needs, know how to be prepared, and how to nurture your Self. When you flow in harmony with your lunar cycles, you look forward to your moontime, welcome this Sacred gift and cherish a “coming home” to your Divine Feminine self where the veil thins and you are closer to your wisdom each month.
Charting And Coding
Eventually, I became familiar with my monthly patterns and decided to track them. No one had explained this process to me. I began to observe my monthly physical and emotional rhythms. Know-
ing my changes were predictable allowed for preparation and familiarity. Honoring this created harmony. Charting and coding is a way to document your phases, bodily and emotional changes, that reoccur each month. A calendar, notebook or journal can be used. First make a chart. List what changes you would like to follow and create a code. It can be a color: bloating-blue, a letter-B, or even a symbol like an emoji with a thumb pointing down. Every month write down your codes on
the days you experience them. Keep track of the corresponding lunar phase and the days you bleed. Say May 25th you feel bloated. It is 2 weeks before your moontime. You see that 2 weeks before your moontime you get bloated. This is a recur ring pattern and part of your rhythm. Can
you do anything about it? What if you try avoiding certain foods? Maybe if you include ginger in your diet you eliminate the discomfort? Once you know what to expect and find a solution, you can avoid and heal the situation. You are taking charge, will be prepared, and know your rhythms. You are creating harmony.
From The Curse To The Sacred
Once I began to follow my rhythms I realized I had four moontime changes of energies. When I became familiar with them, pain disappeared and a Sacred flow replaced it. Like four seasons in the outer world, I passed through four distinct cycles. I called this my moontime medicine wheel. Before my blood flow started there was a more frenetic, internal quickening, sometimes sexual energy, sometimes a scramble to get things done; Once my blood began to flow there was a need to retreat from the outer world, slow down, be in my own world to drift and dream, nurture myself and honor my blood. Often there would be a still point where issues surfaced and answers to situations gripping my life would become clear. This was the garden of the Goddess and her wisdom would flow into my consciousness; When I heard or felt what was needed, I would move out of that phase. My body felt healed, renewed and ready to resume my life. Like a snake, I had shed my old skin and the new one was ready to be worn.
Becoming Moontime Empowered
When a wombyn honors and listens to her moontime, she flows in harmony and becomes the mistress of her rhythms rather than a victim. It is a blessing and the soul of the moontime. It leads to a path of wellness. If you understand how to navigate your moontime compass, you can dis-
cover an avenue to your Divine Feminine wisdom and healing. This is the Sacred beauty gifted to women each month.
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